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2021-08-04 21:18:52 来源:中国网  责任编辑:李雅兰  作者:





但从 1840年开始,西方帝国主义列强通过发动侵略战争,强迫中国割地、赔款。





1911年 10月孙中山领导的辛亥革命,终于推翻了清王朝统治,建立了中华民国,结束了统治中国几千年的封建帝制。




历史呼唤着真正能够带领中华民族实现伟大复兴使命的承担者,这个任务光荣地落到了先进生产力的代表 ——中国工人阶级及其政党的肩上。






这年5月 4日,北京学生 3000余人齐集天安门前举行示威。













Why did We Choose Marxism? Why did the CPC Take Up the Mission?

The Chinese nation has a civilization that dates back more than 5,000 years.

During the long history, the diligent and intelligent Chinese people have created a splendid culture.

From 1840, however, the western imperialist powers launched a series of aggressive wars, and forced China to cede its territories and pay reparations.

The Chinese people were living in dire straits, and the Chinese nation facing tragic and bleak prospects was on the verge of destruction.

In modern times, people with lofty ideals had never stopped fighting bravely to defend the independence and dignity of the nation, and the Chinese civilization.

During that period, the Taiping Rebellion, the Westernization Movement, the Reform Movement of 1898, and the anti-western Boxer Rebellion broke out.

Due to a lack of scientific theory, correct path, and reliable social forces, these struggles failed time and time again. 

In October 1911, the Xinhai Revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen finally overthrew the Qing Dynasty and established the Republic of China, hence ending the autocratic monarchy that had ruled China for more than 2,000 years.

The Revolution, however, did not change the miserable plight of the Chinese people under oppression and suppression.

The Beiyang warlords headed by Yuan Shikai usurped what the Xinhai Revolution achieved, and China fell into a fragmented warlord regime and melee.

During this period, various political systems such as imperial restoration, parliamentary system, multi-party system, and presidential system stepped on the political arena of China. Many political forces and their representatives also came on stage. Nevertheless, neither the social nature of the old China nor the tragic fate of the Chinese people changed.

History called for those who could truly take up the mission to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This task fell gloriously on the shoulders of the representatives of advanced productive forces — the Chinese working class and its political party.  

Facing the social reality after the Xinhai Revolution, China's outstanding intellectuals represented by ChenDuxiu and Li Dazhao resolutely raised high the banner of democracy and science, and kicked off the New Culture Movement.

Advocating the western ideas of science and democracy, the New Culture Movement lifted the restrictions on new thoughts and started an emancipation of minds in Chinese society.

Around the same time, in 1917, the Bolshevik Party led by Vladimir Lenin launched the October Socialist Revolution in Russia, which astonished the world. The first socialist country was then established.

Motivated by the October Revolution, the Communist Parties of various countries were founded one after another, and the communist movement rapidly spread across the whole world.

In March 1919, the Communist International — the international organization of the proletariat — was founded.

On May 4th of that year, more than 3,000 students from Beijing gathered at Tiananmen Square to hold a demonstration.

They broke through the obstructions of the reactionary military and assembled from all sides at Tiananmen Square to hold a protest rally. This was the May Fourth Movement that shocked the country and the world.

As the main initiators of the Chinese New Culture Movement, Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao resolutely chose to follow the steps of Marxism and the October Revolution during the May Fourth Movement in 1919. They were also the main founders of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Promoted by the party organizations in Beijing and Shanghai, early party organizations were set up one after another in the rest of the country.

In July 1920, a group of Chinese students who had been sent to study and work in France gathered at Montargis College.

At the meeting, Cai Hesen said, "We should imitate the Russian October Revolution to launch fierce revolution, organize the Communist Party, and implement the dictatorship of the proletariat."

In August of the same year, Cai Hesen proposed in a letter to Mao Zedong "to formally establish a Communist Party of China."

Mao Zedong wrote back, saying: "You are highly perceptive, and not a word do I disagree with in this letter." The name "Communist Party of China" was also first mentioned in the letter.

On July 23, 1921, the First National Congress of the CPC was held at No. 106 Wangzhi Road in the French Concession of Shanghai. It closed on the Red Boat on Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province.

The CPC was officially established!

The birth of the CPC is the inevitable result of the development of modern Chinese history, of the people's tenacious struggle for survival, and of the nation's pursuit of the great rejuvenation.

In the next 28 years, after arduous struggle and the support of the people, the CPC became the ruling party of China.

Over the past 100 years, the CPC has led the Chinese people to profoundly change the direction and process of contemporary China's development, the future and destiny of the nation, and the trend and pattern of world development.

《红星何以照耀中国》 / 中国网出品

出品人 / 王晓辉   

总监制 / 杨新华   

总策划 / 蔡晓娟  

执行策划 / 蒋新宇

专家顾问 / 陈述 中共中央党校教授  陈中奎 中国人民解放军国防大学副教授

导演 / 仇俊博   

编导 / 申罡 时畅 郭泽涵 鲁波 孔竟泽

设计 / 顾榕楠

制作 / 马跃

翻译 / 汪玮 李秀宇

摄影 / 陶世欣 毛欢东

后期 / 于舜源 傅华洋

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